Commitment | Responsibility | Sacred | Love
I have always desired to have a family. I certainly did not imagine my household being comprised of ten people. On the other hand, it is one of the greatest joys of my life. I have found these attributes at the core of having a family.
When people discover that I have seven children, they usually ask, “How do you do it?” And my answer undoubtedly is, “I’m committed!”
We are all doing what we are committed to. I have committed to serving and leading my family. My commitment establishes and secures the relationships within the family structure. Regardless of what we face as a family, our commitment to one another is what ensures our well-being.
State of being accountable for something.
A thing that one is required to do, legal obligation.
Along with responsibility, stewardship is another word that fits the description of the care and oversight involved in a family. While it can be a daunting task at times, it is also one of the greatest things I will do. It is essential that I create an environment for my family to flourish. I take full ownership of the successes and failures that my family endures. I also take great pleasure in the rewards that stewardship yields.
Being responsible for the charge and care of my family is a serious matter. This is because family is sacred. No one determines the family they are born into. Families originated with God.
Love is essential to every family dynamic. It is expressed in so many different ways. Love is surprising my wife with flowers. Love is earning an income so my family has at least the essentials. Love is disciplining my children when they disobey. Love is training my boys to be physically fit. Love is providing healthy options for my children to eat. Love is affirming my daughter with a hug and kiss. Love is requiring my 20-year-old son to contribute to the car insurance. Love is patient. Love believes all things and hopes all things. There is no law against love! Love is the banner over my family. Family is where love exchanges thrive.