Danny "Book 'EM" Rivera: Hip-Hop Artist and Law Enfourcement Officer

Danny “Book’EM” Rivera is a man motivated by service, as he works to make an impact on his community that is bigger than his role as a law enforcement officer. Book’EM is the founder of The Bridges Project and the host of The Bookem Show. On episode 63 of our Catch The Moment podcast, Book’EM shared how his background has led him to become the bridge to the gap between the youth and law enforcement. He powerfully stated the reason behind it all, “My driving force is leaving a legacy – a positive legacy.” 

Book’EM is working to break down the stigma of ‘cop culture.’ Due to many unfortunate events that have taken place in today’s society, a large segment of youth have lost trust in law enforcement. In the media, law enforcement has primarily become associated with violence, discrimination, or unjust behavior. However, Book’EM has been making the effort to represent himself and his role as an officer in a different light. He has recognized the importance of remembering, “You weren’t born with a badge, you were born with a heart.” Using this motto, he has allowed the public to see him for who he truly is, rather than for a badge and stereotype that does not define him. Furthermore, Book’EM has shown dedication to using his musical talent to connect himself to the youth in a more relatable way. His love for writing music began at an early point in his life, as he used it to escape from the hardships of his lifestyle, including battles with mental health and domestic violence. Using this outlet to overcome those challenges, he has found a way to help others benefit from his musical efforts. 

The Bridges Project is a non-profit organization, founded by Book’EM, focused on community outreach. Through mentoring and additional resources, the organization works to build confidence in the youth through teaching and strengthening their leadership qualities. Book’EM has shown consistency in his allegiance to ‘protect and serve’ as he exemplifies the genuine meaning behind that phrase.

Despite what others in law enforcement may be doing, he is confident in his belief, “You need to be a big fish in a small pond, not a small fish in a big pond.” Tune in to the episode featuring Danny “Book’EM” Rivera to learn more about how he has set himself apart by making himself a part of the community.